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What is a process of engagement engagement?

What is engagement: engagement, also known as marriage, in accordance with my country's folk customs, usually marriage, prior to marriage, such as entertering a marriage, exchange gifts, or media people, etc. But engagement is not a must-have program before marriage, and there is no marriage marriage, and it also has a marriage effectiveness.

First, what is engagement

Engagement, also known as marriage, in accordance with my country's folk customs, usually have engagement ceremonies before marriage, such as entertering marriage, exchange gifts, or media people, etc. The engagement is the first step in marriage, and most of the modern people who participate in the celebrity women and the female friends and men in the engagement day, inform the public that the two sides of the couple are here, and ready to enter the marriage stage.

Second, the process of engagement

The ritual of the proposal is now simplified. Most is the men's belt gift to the woman's home, then the parents of both parties are sitting together, talking about the gift, and the relevant marriage matters, then determine marriage.

Of course, sometimes bring the gift directly, then give the woman. However, this situation is that there is a case where a monk or both parties will happen. After talking about marriage, I will hold a book banquet, the woman will invite relatives to participate, eat a family feast together.

Third, the traditional rules of engagement

Typically, after the men choose Liangchen Ji, carry gifts, gifts and gifts to the female home, and officially send a book to the woman and their relatives, which is one of the traditional rituals that engaged.

When receiving a book, you will be placed on the ancestor case, please show the jurisprudence, and there is no difference between the two words. The woman will then invite a small amount of relatives and friends to participate in the banquet, and some men will give the female gift, generally dependent on both parties.


